
Our Loans

We have loans to suit your needs, whether you're wanting to finance a major purchase like a new kitchen or car, consolidate existing debt, a modest sum to cover Christmas or the cost of school uniforms. Borrow between £200 and £25,000, with up to 10-year repayment period from 7.9% - 42.6% APR.

Personal Loan

Personal Loan

Borrow between £200 and £20,000, with up to 7 -year repayment period
Moneyworks Payroll Loan

Moneyworks Payroll Loan

Borrow up to £20,000 and pay back directly from your salary.
Green Cash Back Loan

Green Cash Back Loan

Borrow between £5,000 and £25,000, with up to 10-year repayment period
Debt Consolidation Loan

Debt Consolidation Loan

Borrow between £3,550 and £20,000, with up to 7-year repayment period
Payroll Loan Sale

Payroll Loan Sale

Borrow between £2,500 and £7,000, with up to 7-year repayment period

Unlock the exclusive benefits available to you by becoming a member today and join our credit union supporting the community.

Loan calculator

Apply for a loan today with interest rates that suit you!

Borrow between £200 - £20,000
Maximum Loan Amount :
Maximum Loan Term :



Repayment Frequency
# Repayments
# Repayments
# Repayments
# Repayments

This calculator is for illustrative purposes only, to give you, the borrower, an overview of the potential cost of borrowing. The Credit Union, or any of its staff, cannot be held responsible for any errors. Please note that this calculator only provides an indicative quote and actual repayments may vary. We may share the information you provide on this application with credit reference and fraud prevention agencies to help us make a decision. What we do and how both we and credit reference and fraud prevention agencies will use your information is detailed in the document called the Credit Reference Agency Information Notice (CRAIN). We may need to alter an applicant’s Loan product due to affordability or other circumstances. In this instant our loans team will contact you and keep you up to date with your application. Example: £3,550 borrowed over 2 years at 12.70% APR. Total repayable: £4,039.95.  All Loans are subject to our Lending Policy and Terms & Conditions

The benefits of borrowing from Cambrian CU

Borrow up to £25,000

Easy application online or in branch

No early repayment fees or penalties and no hidden fees

Repayments are flexible and tailored to suit the individual’s needs

Interest is charged only on the outstanding reducing balance

Loans FAQs

Have a question? Check below to see if it is answered in our Frequently Answered Questions.

How much can I borrow?

You can apply to borrow as much or as little as you need. Our maximum unsecured loan is £25,000. All loan decisions are based on your income, expenditure and your ability to repay.

Can I apply for a loan straight away?

You can become a membership and apply for a loan at the same time. Cambrian Credit Union does not currently require a member to save before they apply for a loan.

How long will a loan application take?

We process our applications as quick as possible as long as we receive the relevant uploaded documents.  The quicker we receive your documents, the quicker we can approve your application!

Can I repay my loan early?

Yes, you can repay your loan in full at any time without penalty. You can also make additional deposits to reduce the value of your outstanding loan at any time – again without penalty.

Are there any membership fees?

To utilise our products and services, and to maintain those services Cambrian charge a one off set up fee for new members of £5,followed by a membership fee of £5.  The yearly membership fee is taken on the anniversary of joining the credit union.

To maintain activity of your account members must have £5 worth of shares in place at all times.

Deposits can be made via a Payment Link which is sent once the online application is submitted, Standing Order, Benefits or Cash over the counter at one of our branches.

For more information of our fees please click on this link

What Identity Documents (ID) do I need to become a member?

Photographic ID

  • Current signed passport – if the passport is not UK/Irish then we will also need to see their Right to work documentation.

  • EEA member state identity card (which can also be used as evidence of address if it carries this)

  • Current UK or EEA photocard driving licence (Full and Provisional) – the address on the Driving licence must be checked against the record in Progress, if this does not match the Driving licence is not valid.
  • Photographic registration cards for self-employed individuals in the construction industry -CIS4

  • Firearms or shotgun certificate

  • Residence permit issued by the Home Office to EEA nationals on sight of own country passport

  • UK Citizen Card

  • Armed forces identity card – unexpired

Non-Photographic ID

  • Full old-style driving licence – not provisional

  • Official letter from Benefits Agency/DWP/Local Authority confirming your right to UK benefits, local benefits, UK Pension  - dated within the last 12 months.

  • UK Student loan/ grant paperwork – dated in last 12 months

  • HMRC coding/assessment/statement/tax credit letter (not P45/P60) (dated within the last 12 months)
What Proof of Address do I need to become a member?

Proof Of Address

  • Utility bill (gas, electric, satellite television, landline phone bill or broadband bill) dated within the last six months .

  • TV licence or confirmation of TV licence renewal letter as long as dated in the last 12 months.

  • Water bill dated in the last 12 months.

  • Local authority council tax bill for the current council tax year – this must be the bill only not letters relating to the tax.

  • Current UK driving licence (but only if not used for the ID evidence)

  • Bank, Building Society or Credit card statement or passbook dated within the last three months.

  • Original mortgage statement from a recognised lender issued for the last full year.

  • Solicitors letter within the last three months confirming recent house purchase or land registry confirmation of address

  • Council or housing association rent card or tenancy agreement or Occupation Contract for the current year

  • Official letter from Benefits Agency/DWP/Local Authority confirming your right to UK benefits, local benefits, UK Pension  - dated within the last 12 months. Only if not used as Proof of ID.

  • HMRC self-assessment letters or tax demand dated within the current financial year

  • Electoral Register entry
    NHS Medical card or letter of confirmation from GP’s practice of registration with the surgery – note this is not appointment letters from hospital

  • HMRC coding/assessment/statement/tax credit letter (not P45/P60) (dated within the last 12 months) Only if not used as Proof of ID.


  • Letter from a Prison Governor or Probation Officer (must be on official headed paper)

  • UK Student loan/ grant paperwork – dated in last 12 months

  • For Homeless – letter from support/social worker dated in last 3 months
What is the 60 day rule?

Members can only apply for a loan after 60 days of their previous loan application as each application generates a credit report which has an impact on the members credit score. As ethical and responsible lenders we require up to date information regarding a member’s financial circumstances when reviewing each loan application and we feel it would be detrimental to a members financial health if a credit report was generated more frequently.

Why do we ask for Child benefit or benefit payments on some products?

As some members may have limited or no credit history we ask may for a benefit to be paid in rather than a Standing Order or Direct Debit.  This will help the member to build their credit history with Cambrian. while also providing a secure repayment method.

What is APR?

APR stands for ‘annual percentage rate’. It shows the percentage of interest the borrower would need to pay on top of a loan over the course of one year. The length of different loans can vary. While some (such as mortgages) have a term of many years, others are paid off in a few days or weeks. The idea of APR is to make it easy to compare the cost by requiring all lenders to display a rate based on a 1 year period.

Warning: Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help with your account please contact our team on 0333 2000 601, email or visit . For financial advice visit