08 September 2023
Engage Unsung hero awards - Have your say and WIN
Engage is proud to announce the return of the annual Unsung Hero Awards, and this year, it's bigger and better! Here's all you need to know.
Unsung Hero of the Year Award
- Engage is asking you to tell us about an outstanding individual (a UK Credit Union staff member or volunteer) who has shown terrific commitment to their Credit Union, members or worked hard to promote the movement.
- The winning prize will be £500 - full details on the website.
Unsung Credit Union of the Year Award
- This year we are also introducing the Unsung Credit Union of the Year category, where you can nominate a Credit Union for outstanding work – whether that’s a commitment to financial inclusion, a special project it may have undertaken in the past year, or any other reason.
- The winning Credit Union will receive £250, or if preferred, can choose to donate this amount to a charity of their choice.
What else is new?
- To say thank you, Engage is entering voters into a £50 prize draw. Simply opt in on the Unsung Hero Award form.
Meet the Judges
- Joining Geoff Leech, Managing Director, Engage, on the judging panel are Bob Winngton, Chief Executive, Money Advice Liaison Group and Debbie Smith-Hands, Head of Member Engagement, ABCUL. They are looking forward to reading your entries.